My baby is 2 months old and I feel like I have lost my milk supply.

"HELP! I'm loosing my milk supply..."

I see this question all the time...

@ 1-2 months of breastfeeding you will notice that things start to regulate.⁠

What that means....⁠

So if you've been feeding on demand,⁠
Not trying to sleep train/avoid night feeds,⁠
not supplementing regularly,⁠
or skipping feeds for any reason.⁠

Then your body has a well established milk supply. ⁠
Factors like if your baby decides to sleep a bit longer won't impact your milk as supply as it would've earlier. ⁠

Your baby is removing milk and you are making it to replace what they need. ⁠

Often Mom's feel like their breasts aren't as full and mistaken this for a drop in supply, this is absolutely not the case.⁠

The other things Mama's notice is their babies get so much more efficient at breastfeeding it's not taking hours a day. Feeds can last around 5-10 minutes and they can remove the same or more milk as they would have been before. ⁠

At this point in your journey there aren't many factors that would affect and cause a sudden drop in supply, to the point that your baby wouldn't be getting enough. ⁠

During this time though they do have a developmental leap where they tend to either sleep more or less, eat more or less and often Mom's mistaken the frequent waking and needing to feed on their supply. ⁠

Even with this developmental leap your baby is calling in their order for breastmilk, and your body will respond by increasing milk production.⁠

Even if your breasts feel "empty" there is always milk. ALWAYS! ⁠

WARNING: if you are sleep training, as this is a common age Mom's start to introduce this concept. There aren't many "methods" that are conscious of the breastfeeding relationship.
& sleep training CAN affect milk supply.

Did you notice this change in your baby and your breasts once your milk regulated?
Did you feel like your milk supply was dropping?

If you are currently experiencing what you feel like is a supply drop, please reach out for support.
Consults can be booked virtually.
So I can help Mom's anywhere!


Second Night, not a rest night.


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